Donate to Juliana Village
Donate to Juliana Village

Your donation to Juliana Village is not only a generous gift to our community but also a smart financial decision. By donating, you can claim your contribution on your tax return as a tax deduction. This means that charity donations are a fantastic way to lower your taxable income while making a positive impact.

Why Donate?

  1. Give Back to the Community: Your support helps us continue our important work, from community projects to providing essential services.
  2. Tax Benefits: Contributions to Juliana Village are tax-deductible, offering you a great way to reduce your taxable income.
  3. Make a Difference: Every donation, big or small, helps us improve the lives of those in our village.

How to Donate?

  1. Direct Bank Transfer: BSB: 032-151 Account number: 533775
  2. Contact Us for Assistance: Fill in the Donation Form below and we will contact you to facilitate your donation process.

Your support means the world to us. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to making Juliana Village a better place!

    Thank you for your generosity and support!
